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Haircut-My way of booking happiness

Going from long bang to choppy shag was a tough decision. My hairs are my inspiration. Pressure from peer often postponed the decision. Long straight hairs are always sign of beauty. A look of pop culture living behind traditional hairstyles was my choice.
Hair transformation

Hair is always a fun because I can cut it, color it, tie trendy locks or loose them with natural flow. What more a girl wants. Hairs are an inevitable part of beauty. Braids, buns, ponytails, twist and curls all I can do that makes me feel myself. They can change my mood, enhance my confidence, helps me to stand up and what not.
But when it comes to going for cut, it needs lots of thinking for me again and again. Where to go, what haircut, what length to be cut, whether it will suit my personality.
For me it was then a big decision from thinking, deciding, delaying then again thinking, taking advice from friends and finally going for it.
I was unsure whether my decision was right.
How to select a beauty salon that can understand the inner me and give me a consistent look to my personality. Search started with google, suggestions from friends and neighbors, looking around nearby by streets.
After a long search Mangesha’z Pimple Saudagar, Pune was where I landed a beautifully designed salon with well trained staff and cozy ambience helping to distress me.

Mangesha’z Pimple Saudagar, Pune was friendly fun and glamorizing salon that relieved half stress. Meeting the staff was a friendly experience all serious hairstyle enthusiasts. Well trained and experienced to understand the need of hairs and clients. They were polite and gave me advice and guidance to achieve my dream look.
It started with a hair wash which was a very soothing experience as the hair doer with a wash gave a relaxing massage. My hairstylist was very cooperative and talented. We had a pretty good discussion before going for cut, he explained me what all will go with my face and hairs.

Hair cutting

Yes I did it! I had haircut!
The cut was done so beautifully that it lifted and illuminated my face.
So, I guess we've had enough of the talk, now let me show you my hair transformation
New hair look

Wowee!! This is how I look after my haircut. My hair felt so much light, had nice layers and made me look instantly fresh.
And then, on barber chair it was new Me that was born, someone who can look more fancier, more with trend, more of my hidden beauty and someone with boosted confidence. That’s where I fell in love once again with my own self.

Long bangs to short cropped was my choice. My way of booking happiness.

What’s yours?

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