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21 Valentine Day Quotes-Whatsapp messages English

Valentine's Day a festival of Love is just around. In love we feel on ninth cloud, life just feels complete.
Love is ocean of blessing from God.To Love and to be loved is the precious Gift one can get.

For Gifting ideas on Valentine's Day check my another blog.
Click on link below

We all wish to express our love and affection to our loved ones but often run out of words.
In poetry we often say I had thousand things to say as soon as she arrived my mind went blank and couldn't say anything.
If you are facing same situation here is a good news for you.
Here is list of 21 Valentine's Day Love quotes to express your gratification.

If you present a gift using above quotes and wonderful lines it would add spark to your relationship and make your gift more precious and memorable.
You can use this quotes to share, write on greeting cards,send a text, send a whatsapp message.
Share this blog with your friends and families.

So here we go:
Valentine Day quotes and messages
Quotes by Manali Shah @

So how's your Josh on this Valentine's Day. I am sure it would be High Sir.

Valentine quotes and messages
Quotes by Manali Shah @

Today I am here
Tomorrow I may not be there
But my love for you will always remain.

Valentine day Quotes and Messages
Quotes by Manali Shah @

Prayers to God are always fruitful.I am sure I would have done tons of good deeds that you came in my life.

4. " Sun brightens earth
       You brightened Me"

5. "You are blessed with
     Beauty of Flowers
     Shine of Diamonds
     Rays of Sun
     Calmness of Moon
     And I am blessed with You"

Valentine Day quotes and Whatsapp message
Quote by Manali Shah @
To love as they are is the purest and truest form of Love

Valentine Day Quotes and Whatsapp Message
Quote by Manali Shah @

8. "Giving is Loving"

Valentine Day Quotes and Whatsapp Messages
Quote by Manali Shah @

10. "Unconditional love is all 
     What I have found in you"

Valentine Day Quotes and Whatsapp messages
Quote by Manali Shah @
Cake without icing is boring so is with Love.

Valentine day Quotesand Whatsapp Messages
Quote by Manali Shah @
You+Me= Best Couple
You+Me= Perfect Togather
You+Me= Complete Dhamal Package

Valentine Day quotes and Whatsapp message
Quote by Manali Shah @

Valentine day quote and whatsapp message
Quote by Manali Shah @
When you smile the sun shines
When you walk the air whistle
When you speak poetry's are composed
You make the world go around

Valentine day quote and whatsapp message
Quote by Manali Shah @

I may not be what you wanted but I will always try to be the best fit for you.

16. "I may not look like hero
    I may not walk like model
    I may not speak like leader
    I may not sound melodious
    But I can make you laugh
    I can make little things to make you happy
    I can take care of you every single moment
    Days and Years My Love for you will always remain the same"

Valentine day quote and whatsapp message
Quote by Manali Shah @

Valentine day quotes and whatsapp messages
Quote by Manali Shah @

19. "Friendship without Expectation
     Love without Condition
     Is ultimate Connection"

20. "You have made me Ice
    Everytime I see I melt"

Valentine day quote and whatsapp message
Quote by Manali Shah @

You lift my confidence, you make me proud of who I am.
I Love you so Much

I hope this quotes will help you to add sparkle to your relationship on this Valentine's Day.

Share with your friends and families.

Let me know how you impressed your loved one the first time in Comment box.


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