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12 Things to do until you find job

Searching for job or Waiting for job offer?

After completion of education or when you move to new place or when you change your profile is the time you wait to start a career and get your dream job.
looking for job

Some are lucky to get hired immediately but rest struggle to get that pie of the cake. Waiting does not make you less competent, it’s just you have not found the right door.

This is just a honeymoon period so enjoy it at fullest, do all things that you ever wanted to do in life.
Every time you are not selected in interview you are directed towards progress being better than what you where yesterday.
Waiting to get that dream profile or getting your first business order is often a stressful phase .Mental pressure, societal pressure is what you face from all directions.
So what are things you need to do in this phase to make your time and well-being more healthy and fruitful.

Things you can do in waiting phase:
1.       Skill up: Read, learn and educate more yourself about the profile in which you wish to pursue your career. Clear up your basics and know more about new inventions and studies done. Have habit to read newspaper daily to keep yourself updated with world. Read magazines of related field
2.       Push Resume: Upload your resume on all the related companies website and also join Linkedin Job search. Read the requirements/job profile posted and up skill yourself accordingly.
3.       Take a break before you get out off bed: After you wake up sit for a while decide upon small goals you wish to achieve in the day. Plan priorities, schedule your program and then with a smile and positive thought start your day
4.       Before sleeping review: Before going to sleep review your day, whether the planned goals have been achieved, how the day has increased your knowledge, who contributed towards it
5.       Praise yourself: Everytime you achieve those small goals set don’t forget to praise yourself it is fuel to work better for next goal. Also don’t miss to share your achievements with family and friends
6.       Be grateful: Don’t forget to thank each and everyone that induce positive thoughts, help you increase your knowledge or skill set
7.       Appear for all interview: Even if the profile is not upto your standard appear in all interviews that come across they will definitely help you in some for other way.
8.       Find a Mentor: Talk to alumni, friends, relatives who are already into field, take advice from them and immediately start implementing it. Ask for guidance and current trends in market update yourself accordingly
9.       Stress buster: Often even after due hard work when things don’t go in favor leads to stress. So always have your choice of stress buster. Some examples:
a.       Hear music at full volume
b.      Go for walk
c.       Call a friend or person you like
d.      Take a nap
e.      Cook a new dish (if you like it)
f.        Shout or jump
g.       Go out for dinner and eat your favorite food
h.      Play with kids
i.         Help your spouse or parents
j.        Write down reasons for stress
k.       Laugh out loud
l.         Try adventures (helps to boost confidence)

10.   Take up small projects: If you can find some freelancing work that you like, go for it, it works best in sharpening your skills also it increases your industry knowledge. Don’t hesitate to work for less or no pay knowledge is worth a wealth.
11.   Work on weakness: Each one of us has something that keeps us away from doing best. We are all born for perfection but our some weaknesses keep us distant from achieving same. Work on those weakness, to start first analyze, introspect, find reasons and finally try to overcome them
12.   Exercise: Any form of exercise be it a walk, run, yoga, meditation, gym, zumba, dance or any other helps to increase your metabolism and thus blood flow in body keeps your body and mind healthy for all the upcoming challenges

If you have any other ideas do share in comment box.
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