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11 keys to Happier Life

Do you want to be happy and experience peace in every moment of life?

Is happiness in things, in people, in environment?

No, happiness is within.
When you can cherish happiness in things, it becomes object of happiness. But real happiness is the state of mind.

But are we really happy, are we satisfied with the life we are living? Do we have internal peace and satisfaction on every aspects of life?

Are we ready to change our lifestyle, habits to achieve that internal happiness?

If yes, here are some quick tips:

1.       Social Media sites are digital and not Real:
Stories, videos and images on social media are just imagination and edited version so stop expecting them to happen in your real life. You can’t have that perfect selfie and perfect moment in real life always. A search for perfect relationship as we see in photos and videos does not exist in real world. Happiness lies in accepting the imperfection.

2.       No product can make you perfect:
We often see ads and think these will add perfection to your life. No perfume can attract girls and no cold drink can bring happiness, no gel can make you look handsome and no lipstick can ad shades to your life. These are just marketing tactics to make you feel incomplete without their product. Accept yourself as you are, as you are one of creation of God and God always creates the best.

3.       World is much bigger than just digital world:
Rather than giving more time to digital world prefer to stay in present. Experience smell, talk to people, see the art of nature, hear the music in air this small things can bring internal happiness

4.       Talk, share and learn:
Talk to your elders, friends, family members, kids share them your ideas take their opinions and thus learn the real art of living

5.       Do what you love or love what you do:
 Also follow your passion to work, a combination of passion+profession makes an ideal life, but everyone of us are not lucky to have it, so we should start loving what we do and take achievements in every small targets we achieve. Always be cheerful and contented with what you fulfill.

6.       Live a zero expectation life:
Expectation are biggest killer of happiness. Zero expectation is difficult to achieve but with gradual efforts it can be achieved. When you do not expect anything from anyone everything you receive comes as surprise to your life.

7.       Help someone in need:
There is no bigger happiness than giving away whether it would be your time, your attention, your money, your skills anything that can help someone to solve their problems. Bill gates has donated more than half of his capital.

8.       Always start a day with smile and positive thought:
Sunrises and shine to bring in lights in our life, so why should we be dull in the beautiful morning, every morning thank that eternal power for giving you another wonderful day

9.       Less is more:
Less things make you happier. Ingvar Kaprad owner of IKEA holding capital of $46 billion wore second hand clothes, the lesser you hold, lesser is stress you feel.

10.   Praise yourself:
Study says a person who can praise oneself are prone to be happy and growth oriented than others.

11.   Let it go:
Don’t hold things or words told by someone just let it go and feel burden free, forgetting and forgiving is best method for ultimate happiness.

Are you ready to leap in well of happiness, small efforts can make bigger change in your life.

If you are already implementing any, share your experience with us in comment box.


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