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Showing posts from January, 2019

21 Valentine Day Quotes-Whatsapp messages English

Valentine's Day a festival of Love is just around. In love we feel on ninth cloud, life just feels complete. Love is ocean of blessing from God.To Love and to be loved is the precious Gift one can get. For Gifting ideas on Valentine's Day check my another blog. Click on link below https://pnroflifejourney. valentine-gift-for-his-and- her-2019.html We all wish to express our love and affection to our loved ones but often run out of words. In poetry we often say I had thousand things to say as soon as she arrived my mind went blank and couldn't say anything. If you are facing same situation here is a good news for you. Here is list of 21 Valentine's Day Love quotes to express your gratification. If you present a gift using above quotes and wonderful lines it would add spark to your relationship and make your gift more precious and memorable. You can use this quotes to share, write on greeting cards,send a text, send a whatsapp m...

29 Best Valentine Gift for His and Her 2019

Valentine’s day a festival of lovers is just around. Add spark to your love on this Valentine’s day with some wonderful gifts and greetings. Valentine’s day is opportunity to express your love affection and gratification to your loved ones. Gifting creates moments, it creates memories, adds joy, adds flicker, adds delight, adds pleasure and much more. It brings back the charm to your love life. So don’t forget to present a unforgettable gift to your loved one on this special occasion. Be it your spouse, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, mother, father or siblings each one deserves a token of love in form of gift or greetings from you. Any gift added with a surprise or few lines by you will make it lifetime memory and create everlasting dazzle in your relationship Running out of ideas about choice of gifts here is a list of gifts you can present on your first valentine or any other valentine, to your husband or wife. 1.        Fl...

12 Things to do until you find job

Searching for job or Waiting for job offer? After completion of education or when you move to new place or when you change your profile is the time you wait to start a career and get your dream job. Some are lucky to get hired immediately but rest struggle to get that pie of the cake. Waiting does not make you less competent, it’s just you have not found the right door. This is just a honeymoon period so enjoy it at fullest, do all things that you ever wanted to do in life. Every time you are not selected in interview you are directed towards progress being better than what you where yesterday. Waiting to get that dream profile or getting your first business order is often a stressful phase .Mental pressure, societal pressure is what you face from all directions. So what are things you need to do in this phase to make your time and well-being more healthy and fruitful. Things you can do in waiting phase: 1.        Skill up: R...